Pell's equation in Clojure
And what, after all, is the point of implementing continued fractions in any language? (We’re continuing on from the previous post). Why, to solve Pell’s equaiton of course. Not that I have ever needed to do so in real life. Anyway, Pell’s equation asks for integer solutions of , where is a nonsquare integer. As Wikipedia explains, the solutions to this equation are found among the continued fraction convergents to . So first we need to generate that stream of convergents. Wik gives us the algorithm, which we render in Clojure as follows:
(defn cf-sqrt [n]
(let [[a0 _] (nt/exact-integer-sqrt n)]
(loop [m 0 d 1 a a0 r []]
(if (= a (* 2 a0))
(cons a0 (cycle r))
(let [m' (- (* d a) m)
d' (/ (- n (* m' m')) d)
a' (nt/floor (/ (+ a0 m') d'))]
(recur m' d' a' (conj r a')))))))
Nice and smooth! We’re eager, up ‘til the point where we have the
repeating part of the expansion, then switch to laziness (via cycle
after we have computed the part that repeats. It’s not quite right,
though, in that if we send in a perfect square we get a divide by
zero exception. Let’s fix that:
(defn cf-sqrt [n]
(let [[a0 r0] (nt/exact-integer-sqrt n)]
(if (zero? r0)
(list a0)
(loop [m 0 d 1 a a0 r []]
(println a0 m d a r (= a (* 2 a0)))
(if (= a (* 2 a0))
(cons a0 (cycle r))
(let [m' (- (* d a) m)
d' (/ (- n (* m' m')) d)
a' (nt/floor (/ (+ a0 m') d'))]
(recur m' d' a' (conj r a'))))))))
Now we have:
(take 10 (cf-sqrt 33))
=> (5 1N 2N 1N 10N 1N 2N 1N 10N 1N)
(take 10 (cf-sqrt 36))
=> (6)
Perfect! Now all we need to solve Pell’s equation is to find out which of the convergents solves it, as Wik explains:
(defn pell-solution [n]
(let [solution? (fn [r]
(let [r? (ratio? r)
x (if r? (numerator r) r)
y (if r? (denominator r) 1)]
(= 1 (- (* x x) (* n y y)))))]
(->> n cf-sqrt convergents (filter solution?) first)))
Sweet. It’s not that I’m overly fond of the threading macro, it’s just that you know you’ve done it right, functional-programming style, when the item of interest can be shoved through a chain of functions to reveal something interesting about it. It’s the last line that makes it all worthwhile.
(-> 29 pell-solution println)
; 9801/1820
which means that . This is what I live for!